The Surge of Indie Brands: Powering Growth Through Aesthetic Packaging

The explosive growth of indie brands in recent years is nothing short of remarkable. If you’re an active social media user, you’ve likely noticed that nearly every other post or video features an influencer enthusiastically endorsing a product from these independent brands. These products span a wide range, from skincare items such as makeup, lotions, colognes, and perfumes to facial cleansers and even men’s grooming essentials like beard balms and oils. But indie brands aren’t limited to personal care – they’ve made their mark in home cleaning products, food, beverages, and even clothing.
At the heart of this indie brand frenzy lies the power of packaging. According to Ipsos, a staggering 72% of Americans agree that a product’s packaging design significantly influences their purchasing decisions, and 67% consider the materials used for packaging. Often, consumers are less concerned about the specific product they’re buying and more focused on the aesthetics of the packaging itself. This phenomenon has played a pivotal role in propelling the indie brand market to new heights. Influencers are captivated by the visual appeal and frequently create unboxing videos and product tests to showcase these products.
But the appeal of indie brand packaging goes beyond what meets the eye. It also extends to the tactile experience. Labels play a vital role in this regard, as they are the bridge between the visual and tactile appeals of the overall packaging. When consumers touch a well-designed label, they can sense the quality, texture, and attention to detail creating a sensory experience and lasting impression.
Fun Fact
Dotcom Distribution reports that 61% of people are more likely to repurchase a luxury product if it comes in premium packaging. This statistic underscores the importance of investing in packaging that stands out and resonates with consumers.
For many indie brands, this rapid surge in demand can be overwhelming. Some find it challenging to keep up with the internet buzz surrounding their products. This is where Hub Labels steps in to provide crucial support. Whether you’re a budding indie brand seeking to establish your presence or a growing one grappling with high demand, Hub Labels is your trusted partner. We offer guidance and expertise in navigating the intricacies of label design and packaging for smaller brands. As your brand scales and potentially achieves greater success, we have the capacity to handle large quantity production runs. Hub Labels is committed to growing with you and ensuring that your products continue to make a memorable impression through their packaging.